Become a Shareholder

Shareholder Application

Shareholder Membership Application (please read before completing the application form)
BRESLY OIL AND GAS LIMITED is an Industrial and Provident organization operating on the exploration of oil and gas worldwide
Rules and welcomes applications for shareholder membership from anyone who is interested in promoting the success of the organization and whose membership, in the view of the Board, will achieve the association’s objective, i.e. to maintain a base of shareholder members who agree to be bound by the obligations on them as set out in the organization’s rules and, when acting as shareholders, will act at all times in the interests of the organization and for the benefit of the community, as guardians of the objects of the organizatiion.
Shareholder membership – eligibility criteria
With the exception of the following:
– a minor
– a person who has been expelled as a shareholder, unless authorised by special resolution at a general meeting
– an employee of the association or an employee of any other body whose accounts must be consolidated with those of the organization any individual or organization can apply to become a member.
It is a requirement that former employees only become eligible for membership after 12 months have elapsed following the termination of employment.
However, there are some individuals and groups who we would discourage from applying:
– Any individual or organisation which does not share Impact’s ethos and values
– Any individual or organisation which gains any financial benefit from Impact, including contractors, consultants etc.
We are particularly keen to encourage the following individuals and groups:
· Tenants/ Residents
· Individuals from the communities where we work
· Shared ownership tenants
· Individuals who have particular skills to bring
· Local community organisations
· Local voluntary organisations
· Stakeholder agencies (e.g. Local authorities)
· Partners (e.g. Like minded bodies such as managing agents)
The recruitment procedure
Every application will be considered by the board, which has the power to accept or reject the application, and will be included in the agenda for the next scheduled board meeting.
Applicants will be selected on the basis of those who are eligible and who, most effectively, meet our requirements.
The Secretary will notify the applicant of the Board’s decision within 14 days of the meeting.
Successful applicants will be issued with one share in the Association, a copy of its Rules and a copy of its Shareholder Membership Policy.
The benefits of membership
The formal benefit of membership is that members may attend, speak and vote at general meetings and are able to stand for election to the Board. All members receive a copy of our Annual Report and Newsletter.

Kindly complete the shareholder application form
  • upload passport photograph here
  • Current Residential Address
  • Upload any government issued ID card owned
  • Upload signature